How Upmarket Creative Hub Came To Be: Year One – 2023

Sometimes, fate stitches unexpected patterns in the vast fabric of existence, or cosmic collisions hurl us into other people’s orbits. Allow me to take you on a journey via a story, in 2023, about the meeting of two souls Read more

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Proudly Woman – An Open Diary Giving Perspective – Their Truth

To start off, we want to thank the women mentioned in Proudly Woman for their brave and vulnerable efforts to contribute to this Open Diary.

The meaning of Womanhood can be defined by various experiences and perceptions. Just as Read more

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Trots Vrou

A tribute to Proudly Woman

An Afrikaans Poem dedicated to the Proverbs 8 Woman by a Proverbs 8 Woman.

Haar gees is sag Maar haar wil is sterk Haar hande is fyn Maar kan hard werk

Sy sing terwyl Read more

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